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The Center for Ibero-American Studies (SIAS)

Research at Charles University

The Center for Ibero-American Studies (SIAS) of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University is an interdisciplinary workplace for research and education in the field of Latin American Studies. The center provides master and doctoral students with specialized courses, especially in the fields of history, ethnology, Spanish literature and art history of Latin America, Spain and Portugal.

The Centre offers specialized courses to master’s and doctoral students in the fields of history, ethnology, politology, linguistics, literature etc., our courses are focused on the history and culture of Ibero-American people and also on geography of Latin America.

Applicants must have completed undergraduate or master’s university studies; in the case of doctoral applicants, they can choose between distance or face-to-face study.

The academic staff is made up of five internal professors and several external collaborators from other centers of Charles University and other universities.

Team leader & members

  • Dr. Simona Binková (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • prof. Markéta Křížová (Spanish, French, and English)
  • prof. Josef Opatrný (Spanish)
  • Dr. Radek Buben (Spanish and English)
  • Dr. Monika Brenišínová (Spanish, French, and English)

Selected publications

  • BRENIŠÍNOVÁ, M. – KŘÍŽOVÁ, M – BŘEZINOVÁ, K., Dějiny umění Latinské Ameriky (The History of Latin American Art), Praha: Karolinum, 2018.
  • BUBEN, K. KOUBA, Nicaragua in 2019: The Surprising Resilience of Authoritarianism in the Aftermath of Regime Crisis, Revista de Ciencia Política, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 431-455.
  • PERUTKA, L. Checoslovaquia, Guatemala y México en el período de la Revolución Guatemalteca, Praha: Karolinum, 2014
  • KŘÍŽOVÁ M. – Winklerová, D. (eds.), Alois Richard Nykl: Present-Day Mexico, Praha: National Museum, 2019
  • KŘÍŽOVÁ, M., Reyes, emprendedores, misioneros: Rivalidad imperial y sincretismo colonial en la Costa de Mosquitia, siglo XIX, Praha: Karolinum, 2016
  • KŘÍŽOVÁ, M. – Binková, S. et al., Ir más allá… (Fuentes bohemicales para el estudio comparativo de la expansión colonial española en la temprana Edad Moderna), Praha: Karolinum, 2016


Charles University
Faculty of Arts
Mgr. Monika Brenišínová, Ph.D.
E: monika.brenisinova@ff.cuni.cz
E: ibero@ff.cuni.cz
T: (+ 420) 221 619 542
M: (+420) 724 103 007


Univerzita Karlova v Praze