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Bc.International Business

Prague University of Economics and Business - Faculty of International Relations
  • grasp the principles of the world economy, international trade, finance and investment and behaviour of economic actors (consumers, entrepreneurs, governments), understands the causes of market failure and its possible solutions;
  • use mathematical tools, basic probability theory and descriptive statistics, and information technologies;
  • understand issues of business and labour law;
  • understand the nature of international business operations, specifics of negotiations with international partners, while respecting social and cultural differences;
  • know basic methods and techniques of retailing, including flow-of-goods management, and methods of territorial analysis.

More information at: http://ibb.vse.cz/

Graduate profile

The aim of the program Bachelor of International Business is to educate economists and equip them with a standard framework of knowledge in economics, business administration, law, statistics and mathematics, with advanced international languages skills, and with a specialization in international business within the context of a changing global environment.
Core values of the program are: respect of the ethical dimension of international entrepreneurship, preparedness to work in a multicultural environment in different languages, and ability to swiftly adapt to the changing environment of the world economy.
The program is suitable for linguistically talented students who want to work in a multicultural environment and are interested in international entrepreneurship in broad international business, economic, social, legal, and political relations contexts.


Applications start 1st December 2023
Applications end 30th April 2024
Start of study: 18th September 2024
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Applicants are required to supply a short motivation letter and an essay on a selected economic topic, which are used for decisions about acceptance. Skype or phone interview in English is conducted with the applicants, who pass the written part of the exam.


Contact us at admissions@vse.cz or visit our website

Degree level bachelor
Study duration 3 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 5000 per year
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze