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in one of the most beautiful cities in the world


• will gain theoretical knowledge supporting quality of managerial activities;
• will be able to carry on research in the field of management;
• will be ready for the further development of knowledge in the fields of economy and management, discover potential interdisciplinary connections with other fields of science, carry on teaching activities in the field of economy, apply advance methods to problems of practice and contribute to this field by extending the current knowledge;
• will be qualified to perform advanced analysis of available data, critically evaluate their importance and perform complex managerial decisions.

More information at: https://science.vse.cz

Graduate profile

Ph.D. study in the field of Management is realized as a joint degree with the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
The aim is to educate young researchers capable to contribute to all directions of management theory putting emphasis on the often neglected quantitative decision making processes. Namely, information analysis, and subsequent decision making belong among the most important activities of all managers employed in both private and public sphere; this holds for all technical, economic, human resource, and social processes (of operational and/or strategic nature).


Applications start 1st December 2023
Applications end 30th April 2024
Start of study: 18th September 2024
Go to application web...


Contact us at admissions@vse.cz or visit our website

Degree level Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Jindřichův Hradec
School fees € 5000 per year
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze