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Prague University of Economics and Business - Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Graduates are able to:

  • characterize and apply the advanced mathematical-statistical methods and procedures with the aim to analyse mainly economic data;
  • independently search, sort, classify, analyse and interpret economic data and information; including the incorporation of theoretical and methodological foundations;
  • identify the relationships between economic indicators in space and time;
  • use statistical software products;
  • creatively solve theoretical and practical economic problems in interdisciplinary contexts to acquire new information.

More information at: https://science.vse.cz

Graduate profile

The main goal of doctoral study field of Statistics is the education of top-ranking researchers and specialists with profound statistics education and knowledge of foreign and domestic literature, able to participate in valuable applications at solving important macroeconomic, banking, firms’ and other problems. Programme is suitable for analytically minded students who are well oriented in quantitative mathematical-statistical methods, interested in applications of statistical analytical and forecasting practices in different economic situations, would like their knowledge and skills further deepen in advanced methods of statistical data analysis and apply them in scientific research.


Applications start 1st December 2023
Applications end 30th April 2024
Start of study: 18th September 2024
Go to application web...


Contact us at admissions@vse.cz or visit our website

Degree level Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 5000 per year
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze