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Ph.D.Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague - Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

The aim of this programme is to prepare highly qualified professionals capable of independent scientific work, who will be involved in the implementation of new visions and methods in practice or will continue their scientific work at universities and scientific institutes and thus contribute to clarifying the functional principles of living organisms. The program Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry was created by merging two fields of chemistry. In this way, it will educate specialists preferentially oriented either to biochemistry or to bioorganic chemistry. The common denominator of both fields is to identify the chemical nature of important processes in living organisms, to study the relationship between the structure and biological activity of biopolymers, as well as natural organic compounds or their synthetic analogues.

Graduate profile

Graduates of this programme are able to apply their knowledge in various fields such as biochemistry, cell biology and molecular genetics, microbiology, organic chemistry and chemistry of natural compounds (in relation to the dissertation topic). Based on the acquired knowledge, the student is able to plan the research project independently, critically assess the risks of the proposed procedures and apply innovative research methods. Another acquired competency of the graduate is the pedagogical and managerial experience due to involvment in teaching of bachelor and master programs, primarily in the role of assistants in laboratory courses and consultations of bachelor and master theses. Theoretical, experimental, pedagogical and managerial experience predispose the graduates to creative scientific and research activities, which is increasingly sought at various institutions of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, universities, medical facilities, pharmaceutical companies and state and private research laboratories in the Czech Republic and abroad, dealing with problems in the field of biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry.


Applications start 17th February 2025
Applications end 15th April 2025
Start of study: 8th September 2025
Go to application web...


E-mail: int@uct-prague.eu
Phone: + 420 220 443 158, + 420 220 444 456
Address University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of International Relations
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Degree level Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze