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University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague - Faculty of Chemical Technology

The aim of the DSP programme is to educate specialists in bioinformatics, which is a combination of molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, statistics and computer science. Bioinformatics deals with the development of tools for the management of biological databases, algorithms for the processing of molecular-biological data and methods for the analysis and interpretation of relationships in these data. Most of the projects are biologically oriented with the aim to understand the complex context in the studied biological phenomena. However, we also run IT-oriented topics that include the development of algorithms or data processing methods.

Graduate profile

The combination of the education in natural sciences and informatics qualifies graduates to work in interdisciplinary teams. Graduates will find employment in a wide range of areas where data obtained by instrumental analysis of biological samples are processed. Graduates can also rely on a broad knowledge of informatics and can be successful in the development of software technologies, especially for data analytics. Graduates will further find employment in scientific infrastructures built in the Czech Republic within the framework of European operational programs. Due to the persisting lack of experts with an interdisciplinary education, graduates will also be easily employable outside the Czech Republic. Typical positions that DSP Bioinformatics graduate can hold: - researcher in basic or applied research in the public or private sector in the fields of biomedicine, clinical medicine, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, food, agriculture, biotechnology or forensic science. Typical positions are postdoc, programmer, research associate, research fellow, project leader, project manager. - university lecturer in bioinformatics, computational biology, computational chemistry or applied informatics. Typical positions are assistant professor, assistant, lecturer. - software developer or data analyst in IT companies. - professional positions that require organizational and analytical skills and expertise not only in bioinformatics. Typical job positions include state administration at the highest management levels, organizations that are methodologically and organizationally engaged in science and research or non-profit and educational organizations.


Applications start 17th February 2025
Applications end 15th April 2025
Start of study: 8th September 2025
Go to application web...


E-mail: int@uct-prague.eu
Phone: + 420 220 443 158, + 420 220 444 456
Address University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of International Relations
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Degree level Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze