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Bc.Chemistry and Technology (Faculty of Chemical Engineering)

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague - Faculty of Chemical Engineering

The Bachelor study programme in Chemistry and Technology is designed primarily for applicants from abroad. All courses are conducted in English. The study programme is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and is in accordance with requirements of the Bologna Process - European Higher Education Area. The Faculty of Chemical Engineering enables students to study general chemical and chemical engineering disciplines that are applicable to a wide range of fields in science, chemical and biochemical technologies and environmental protection issues. During the course of the programme, students choose one of two specializations offered: Engineering or Chemistry.

Graduate profile

The main aim of the study programme is to prepare the graduates for Master degree studies in a variety of branches at UCT Prague or worldwide. Graduates are also prepared for qualified positions in specialized workplaces because they have the proper theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and experience in wide range of chemical and chemical engineering subjects. Graduates can acquire qualified jobs in production plants in the chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries; in research and development chemical laboratories; in inspecting, supervisory, and monitoring laboratories; in commerce; and in state administration.


Applications start 1st December 2024
Applications end 31st January 2025
Start of study: 8th September 2025
Go to application web...


E-mail: admissions@vscht.cz
Phone: + 420 220 443 841, + 420 220 443 158
Address University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of International Relations
Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Degree level bachelor
Study duration 3 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 3150 per year 1

1 The tuition fee is for the whole academic year/2 semesters.

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze