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Bc.Agricultural Engineering

The first two years of study demonstrate a theoretical basis in agricultural technology, which enables students to undertake further study in technical and biological sciences. The last year of study is focused on the practical application of the theoretical knowledge. The selection of an undergraduate thesis allows students to specialize in a specific area of interest, such as biological systems engineering. Graduates of the Agricultural Engineering study programme can utilize their knowledge by the application of engineering principles to the solution of agricultural problems.

Graduate profile

Graduates of the bachelor's program in AE can enter the workforce, but they also have a solid theoretical foundation for pursuing a subsequent master's degree in a technical field.

The aim of the study is to prepare graduates for employment in agricultural, forestry, and municipal primary production enterprises, in technical development departments of companies, in design and operational departments focused on the implementation and application of information systems, computer networks, electrical engineering, electronics, automation and control technology. Alums can thrive in management and control systems and in increasing the reliability of these systems, in operations and enterprises for processing agricultural products, in the entire sphere of the food production industry and in all types of technical services for the aforementioned sectors, utilizing all forms of entrepreneurship.


Applications with VISA start 15th September 2024
Applications with VISA end 15th March 2025
Applications without VISA end 15th December 2024
Applications without VISA end 31st March 2025
Start of study: 29th September 2025
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Entrance exams: Online tests in Mathematics, Physics, English and oral interview (on site/on line).

Required documents:

1) A Copy of Identification Card/Passport 2) A copy of the academic transcript - high school leaving certificate


Contact person: Ing. Radka Krejčí: krejciradka@tf.czu.cz

Webpage: https://www.tf.czu.cz/en/r-9402-study/r-9490-study-programmes/r-10025-agricultural-engineering-en

Degree level bachelor
Study duration 3 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 1000 per year 1

1 € 1000 for non-EU and € 500 for EU applicants

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze