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Ph.D.Applied Geology

Charles University - Faculty of Science

Graduate profile

The graduate gained deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of applied geoscience (focus on environmental geology, geology of mineral resources, technical mineralogy and petrology, engineering geology, rock mechanics, hydrogeology, applied geophysics) and related technical disciplines. Deep scientific background and special skills are closely related to the actual topic of a doctoral thesis; commonly based on solving problems by combination of approaches from several scientific disciplines. By acquiring methodical and experimental approaches of independent scientific work, the graduate is acquainted of individual creative thinking. The graduate is able to propose an optimal solution for the given problem, to evaluate rigorously the results and to present them in an appropriate form.


Applications end 30th April 2025
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Admission requirements




Degree Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 40 per year
Univerzita Karlova v Praze