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Ph.D.Addiction: Specialization in Health Care

Charles University - First Faculty of Medicine

Graduate profile

The graduate of the doctoral program has a deep and systematic knowledge in the field of addiction science, is well oriented within the institutional infrastructure at the national and international levels. Graduates are able to independently plan, apply and carry out research studies, apply advanced research methods, translate findings into practice, systematically develop the field of addictology both on theoretical and practical aspects. Graduates promote ethically and professionally appropriate approaches, build their work on evidence-based activities, actively work with the transdisciplinary perspective of the addiction science field, and are able to act as a full and valid member of the academic and / or research team in their field and related disciplines.


Applications end 30th April 2025
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Admission requirements




Degree Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 39 per year 1

1 This number was calculated by automatic currency conversion using exchange rate for EUR: 25.010

Univerzita Karlova v Praze