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Ph.D.Biblical Theology

Charles University - Protestant Theological Faculty

Graduate profile

Graduates have a thorough knowledge of theology. Their expert knowledge, skills, and competence relate in particular to the historical and literary study of the biblical texts and their contexts. Depending on the subject of their dissertation project, they specialise either in Old Testament or New Testament research. They are proficient in the relevant ancient languages and in exegetic methodology. They are familiar with the history of their discipline, reflect on the methodological issues relating to it, and understand current trends in research. They are capable of exact theological thinking, and of discussing even highly complex and controversial questions in their field. They are able to deal with original texts and explain their findings comprehensibly in interdisciplinary settings.


Applications end 30th April 2025
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Admission requirements




Degree Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 500 per year
Univerzita Karlova v Praze