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Charles University - Faculty of Science

Graduate profile

The graduates of Ecology acquire theoretical knowledge and practical (methodological) skills covering all common ecological concepts. Within this framework, they achieve a specific education in terrestrial and aquatic ecology, encompassing all structural levels from molecular ecology, autecology, intra- and interpopulation interactions, towards large-scale ecology (communities, ecosystems, phylogeography). They are able to use recent analytical approaches of quantitative ecological data. The graduate is well prepared to further development of research skills during relevant PhD studies, or to professional and methodological work e.g. in surveys, analyses or monitoring for state, public or commercial administration.


Applications end 29th February 2024
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Admission requirements




Degree level master post bachelor
Degree Mgr.
Study duration 2 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 1198 per year 1

1 This number was calculated by automatic currency conversion using exchange rate for EUR: 25.030

Univerzita Karlova v Praze