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Msc.Optics and Optoelectronics

Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Graduate profile

Graduates have a sound theoretical and experimental knowledge of classical and quantum optics and optoelectronics. They have mastered the mathematical modelling of physical processes in optics and optoelectronics. They can apply the knowledge and competences they have gained in research and scientific activities in optical disciplines as well as in a large number of fields where optics or optical spectroscopy are used (biology, chemistry, medicine). Their education in physics combined with a mastery of computer programming, information technologies and organization of scientific team collaboration enhances the chances of these graduates finding employment in research at universities and research institutes and in industry. Graduates are fully qualified to continue with their studies in postgraduate programmes.


Applications end 30th April 2024
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Admission requirements




Degree level master post bachelor
Degree Mgr.
Study duration 2 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 6800 per year
Univerzita Karlova v Praze