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Msc.Computer Science - Software Systems

Charles University - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Graduate profile

The graduate possesses robust programming skills in the given focus domain: System Programming for modern operating systems and system-related technologies (middleware, virtual machines), Dependable Systems for dealing with the systematic construction of systems with guaranteed reliability, and High Performance Computing for software development on modern parallel and distributed systems. The graduate has absorbed both the necessary theoretical foundations and the skills required for solving practical programming tasks. He can use modern programming languages and tools. He can adapt to the fast-moving technologies of today and use these technologies in team software projects. He can solve problems individually and systematically, and apply deep system knowledge in delivering outside-the-box solutions.


Applications end 30th April 2024
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Admission requirements




Degree level master post bachelor
Degree Mgr.
Study duration 2 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 6800 per year
Univerzita Karlova v Praze