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Msc.Protestant Theology

Charles University - Protestant Theological Faculty

Graduate profile

Graduates are equipped with a knowledge of Christian theology in its historical, systematic, and practical dimensions. They are capable of working with biblical texts in the original languages and are proficient in the hermeneutics of Christian texts, with a particular emphasis on the tradition of the Reformation, and in dialogue with other Christian traditions, with philosophy, and with the social sciences. They are familiar with the phenomenology of religion, with the traditional world religions and with new religious movements. They can make use of their studies in the service of their churches as ministers in parishes, in catechetical, educational and pastoral work, and also in the social and cultural fields and in public administration.


Applications end 31st March 2024
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Admission requirements




Degree level master post bachelor
Degree Mgr.
Study duration 2 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 998 per year 1

1 This number was calculated by automatic currency conversion using exchange rate for EUR: 25.030

Univerzita Karlova v Praze