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Bc.Solid State Engineering

Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

Graduate profile

Linking the knowledge of modern physics, mathematics, and informatics is a good start for graduates to upgrade their qualification in some advanced degree courses and be offered positions in the field of physics, engineering, and natural sciences, as well as in science and research. In particular, the graduates will acquire the following knowledge, skills and competency.
Graduates will have acquired the fundamental knowledge of physics, mathematics, and informatics, further deepened in their respective specialization by the most important experimental methods and theoretical models of modern condensed matter physics and material science. Graduates can directly opt for a Continuation Master Degree in the same or similar field.
The graduates are skilled in using methods and procedures used in the main disciplines of physics in solving engineering issues via modern computer technology and are able to use such methods and procedures of physics and mathematics in research and solving engineering problems of materials and solids. They are also ready to prepare and perform physical measurements, analyze the results obtained, and keep up-to-date with the new trends in their respective field and quickly address new facts, analyze issues, and synthetize the results. They were also trained do develop a sense of responsibility for the work done and decisions made.
Due to their analytical and systematic approach to what they do as trained in the bachelor courses plus skills in handling modern computer technology, the graduates have a wide range of career choices: to seek admission to some Continuation Master Program, to join a laboratory or test facility, to certify products, to work in metrology or in institutions using applied laser or plasma technology.
Job opportunities
Graduates of the program, in addition to the possibility of further education in a follow-up master's degree, will apply as qualified workers in a number of areas of basic and applied research and development in the fields of physical engineering and information technology. They can work in industry, banking and the private sector, but also in governmental institutions, e.g. as members of development and testing teams, in research, development and innovation institutes, laboratories and companies. They can make use of their expertise and knowledge of working with modern experimental and computer technology. Education in the study program is compatible with the state of the art in developed foreign countries, and the study is designed in accordance with standards and recommendations at the European level. Graduates will thus be able to take up relevant positions internationally. Based on previous experience in educating students focused on the field, the following examples of the application of graduates of the study program are given:
- Robert Bosch AG (materials development and reliability)
- Siemens AG (semiconductor technology, materials reliability)
- ON-Semiconductors (semiconductor technology)
- Elmarco (nanofibre manufacturing)
- Škoda Auto a.s. (materials development and reliability)
- Czech Academy of Sciences (basic research)
- CRYTUR a.s. (production and research of laser and scintillation crystals)
- SQS Vláknová optika a.s. (Nová Paka, Czech Republic)
- Leibnitz Institute of Applied Photonics (Jena, FRG, photonics basic research)
- Centrum výzkumu Řež a.s. (Řež, applied research)


Applications start 1st November 2024
Applications end 30th April 2025
Start of study: 22nd September 2025
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Temporarily go to http://www.studyatctu.com/how-to-apply-private



Degree level bachelor
Study duration 3 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 4300 per year
České vysoké učení technické v Praze