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Wildlife Management and Conservation

Research at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

The research focuses on various aspects of habitat and species conservation management. A broad scale of field surveys and studies are carried out mostly in Africa, with special attention paid to antelope and giraffe conservation, mitigation of human-wildlife and wildlife-livestock conflict, protected areas management, and environmental education. Ex situ conservation and research realized in European zoos are also included.

Team leader

doc. Ing. Karolína Brandlová, Ph.D.


  • Western Derby eland conservation in Senegal;
  • Ecology of large herbivores and carnivores in African savannah;
  • Bioavailability and utilization of macro- and micro- elements in soil resources for nutrition of non-domesticated large herbivores;
  • Spatial data acquisition techniques for animal conservation planning in Africa and the Middle East



Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze