Web data management
Research at Charles UniversityOne of the goals of our research is to highlight problems with data interoperability and data management and establish a data-centric ecosystem where ontologies play a primary role and all other technical artifacts such as data models, data schemas, data collection forms, data transformations, and even simpler data visualization applications are automatically generated based on the ontological description of the problem domain. Our approach focuses not only on the technical solutions of the problem but also on procedural and social aspects of the problem, as novel approaches need to be explained to and accepted by the target audience – data owners. Technically, our approach includes working with semantic technologies and linked data and we focus on making correctly published data consumable as easily as possible by as many data consumers as possible, ensuring adoption of the approach.
Our approach already gained interest from institutions in the Czech public administration, who had the possibility of trying it out and liked it. Now we intend to extend the approach to the Europan level and improve our technical solutions.
Research area
- data modeling
- data interoperability
- data on the web
- data-centric software architectures
- decentralization of data
Team leader & members
- doc. Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Jakub Klímek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Petr Škoda, Ph.D.
- Klímek J., Škoda P., Nečaský M.: Survey of Tools for Linked Data Consumption, Semantic Web (SWJ), Print edition ISSN: 1570-0844, Web edition ISSN: 2210-4968, pages 665-720, DOI 10.3233/SW-180316, Volume 10, Issue 4, May 2019. IOS Press, IF: 3.524
- Štěpán Stenchlák, Martin Nečaský, Petr Škoda, Jakub Klímek: DataSpecer: A Model-Driven Approach to Managing Data Specifications. ESWC (Satellite Events) 2022: 52-56
- Petr Křemen, Martin Nečaský: Improving discoverability of open government data with rich metadata descriptions using semantic government vocabulary. J. Web Semant. 55: 1-20 (2019)
Charles University
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
doc. Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D.
E: martin.necasky@matfyz.cuni.cz
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