The Research Centre for Cultural and Historical Geography
Research at Charles UniversityOur research is focused on cultural and historical geography, the geography of religion, environmental history and the history of geography. The Centre particularly specializes in research on issues of identity, heritage and religion and their overlapping with regional geography, research on landscape and settlement transformations, regional development and institutionalization of regions, and geographical education. The team’s findings are particularly applicable to the protection of cultural and natural heritage and regional development.
Team members are involved in many professional organizations and participate in the research and other activities within international professional organizations (i.e. IGU, ESEH and ASEH). They are also involved in the preparation and organization of seminars and conferences. The Center has established long-term cooperative relationships with similar domestic and foreign institutions, particularly the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.
The research team is interested in cultural, historical and religious geography, environmental history and their overlapping with regional geography, focusing particularly on issues of:
- Regional identity, image formation and mediation and place branding
- Heritage, culture, and religion
- Landscape and settlement transformations
- Institutionalization of regions and regional development
- Boundaries, borderland, cross-border and peripheral areas
Team leader & members
- doc. Pavel Chromý
- doc.Tomáš Havlíček
- Dr. Zdeněk Kučera
- + other PhD and Master students
Selected publications
- SEMOTANOVÁ, E., BURDA, T., GŁADKIEWICZ, R., CHROMÝ, P., KUČERA, Z., MALICKI, J., MARTÍNEK, J., OSOBA, P. (2015): Kladsko. Historickogeografický lexikon. Historický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha, Kłodzko, Wrocław, 311 s. ISBN 978-80-7286-240-5
- ŠIFTA, M., CHROMÝ, P. (2017): The importance of symbols in the region formation process. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 71, 2, 98-113. ISSN 0029-1951
- SEMIAN, M., CHROMÝ, P., KUČERA, Z. (2016): Name as a regional brand: The case of Local Action Groups in Czechia. Journal of Language and Politics, 15, 6, 768-789. ISSN 1569-2159 E-ISSN 1569-9862
- SEMIAN, M., CHROMÝ, P. (2014): Regional Identity: Driver or Barrier in Regional Development. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 68, 5, 263-270 ISSN 0029-1951
Charles University
Faculty of Science
doc. RNDr. Pavel Chromý, Ph.D.
T: (+420) 221 951 425
More information
We have an interest in motivated post graduate students with a background in geography.