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Outstanding actions for LGBTI

Research at Charles University

Project: Outstanding actions for LGBTI (01/2020 – 12/2023)

The overall objective is to fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and to improve quality of life of LGBTI people through concrete and practical actions in the field of education, employment and public / community awareness that will serve as an incubator of successful practice to be replicated in other (Eastern) European countries.

The project will bring new data about the causes of homophobic bullying at schools and based on the results we will formulate the List of Recommendation to prevent it. The detailed data research will be done also in the field of workplace equality with the focus on public sector. We expect to reach 2500 schools and at least 500 workers in the management.

Project is targeting also the general public via the public awareness campaign combating stereotypes towards LGBTI people. The campaign will be based on using online tools, esp. social networks combined with traditional prints and supplements at the Czech biggest daily (we expect to reach approx. 2 million people – 20% of the Czech population). The last work-package of activities is focused on the LGBTI people – with the community campaign based on role models, direct dialogue and offer of support groups, we will reach more than 100 000 people. The activities focused on education, workplace and community building are using the peer-reviews and consultations with the LGBTI NGO workers from the CEE to share the experiences and know-how and learn together.

The project will result in growing acceptance of LGBTI affection at public, growing number of schools and employers with the effective strategies to combat the homophobic and transphobic discrimination and bullying, growing number of the LGBTI people fully out in their lives and growing number of reported cases of discrimination. Outputs range from data collection analysis, educational tools, trainings and workshops to campaign outputs, such as videos, media outputs, websites and online ads.

Team leader

doc. Irena Smetáčková


Charles University
Faculty of Education
doc. PhDr. Irena Smetáčková, Ph.D.
E: irena.smetackova@pedf.cuni.cz
T: (+420) 221 900 519


Univerzita Karlova v Praze