Mozart’s and Beethoven’s Ballet Pieces – From a Theoretical Knowledge to a Stage Approach
Research at Academy of Performing Arts in PragueThe Institute for Dance Science at the Department of Dance at HAMU was founded in 1998, and its research and publishing activities have evolved significantly, in particular since 2000. The Institute is one of the few institutions in the Czech Republic focusing specifically on dance research and cooperating with other research institutions, both local and international.
The Institute for Dance Science projects focus on preserving the cultural heritage in the field of dance and they involve the reconstruction of period dances based on original notation, resulting in dance performances.
The most important of those projects was the one titled Mozart’s and Beethoven’s Ballet Pieces – From a Theoretical Knowledge to a Stage Approach, aiming to re-stage the works of W. A. Mozart and L. van Beethoven with a historic knowledge resulting from the requisite basic research, with the goal of gaining a more in-depth understanding of the development of musical and choreographic thinking during the peaking classicism and pre-romantism.
Team leader & members
The Institute for Dance Science at The Music and Dance Faculty of the AMU
Selected publications
The publication activity of the Institute involves compilations and collective monographs, expert studies published by the Nakladatelství Akademie múzických umění (NAMU) publishing house, in the Živá hudba Faculty journal, reviewed periodicals such as Hudební věda, Národopisná revue, Divadelní revue, and in proceedings from conferences, both in Czech and foreign languages.
Music and Dance Faculty of The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
The Institute for Dance Science
Malostranské nám. 13
118 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic
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