Molecular Ecology of Mammals
Research at Czech University of Life Sciences PragueThe research group is focused on a different aspects of animal biology using genetic tools. We study population genetics of mammalian species (insectivores, carnivores, ungulates, etc.) and we are especially interested in interspecies interactions including wildlife and their domestic forms (wolves-dogs, hedgehogs, spiral horned antelopes, etc.). We participate in several conservation projects and we try to apply our results into conservation practice (elands, pangolins). We also study evolutionary processes that formed domestic animals and we search for candidate genes of specific traits (dogs).
Team leader
Mgr. Barbora Černá Bolfíková, Ph.D.
- Detection of cross-breeds
- Large carnivore monitoring in Slovakia
- Genomics of hedgehogs
- Research of allopecia candidate genes
- Genetic diversity of spiral horned antelopes in European Zoos
- Hybridization between wolves and dogs
- Population genetics of pangolins in Congo