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Maintenance Management System and Industry 4.0

Research at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

The main objective of the project is to create a modern information system for maintenance management, which meets the requirements of the call entitled Industry 4.0. In addition to basic functions, the system will support predictive maintenance using advanced data analysis methods to optimise maintenance processes and services. In addition, a “maintenance benchmarking” module will be added to the system in order to compare maintenance performance with other manufacturing companies and their maintenance in the Czech Republic. The project outputs will improve the efficiency, safety, sustainability and reliability of maintenance processes in industry and strengthen the competitiveness of industrial organisations and maintenance services.

Team leader 

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Aleš, Ph.D.


Maintenance management information system with a benchmarking extension, taking into account the Industry 4.0 call



Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze