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Longevity Studies, Gerontology, Health Sciences and Social Sciences

Research at Charles University

The centre is focused on the areas of care, ethics of care, longevity and dis/ability. It connects research with practice, engaging students, scientists and carers, as well as staff and clients from the health and social care sectors.

The CELLO team is involved in training of specialists in the fields of long-term care, geriatrics, gerontology and ethics of care. It contributes to policy making and public discussion in the areas of health care and social services.

CELLO is a member of the ‘Global Alliance of International ongevity Centres’. For many years, it has been collaborating closely with the Gerontology Centre, the Czech Alzheimer Society and Alzheimer Europe.

Research projects

  • H2020-SC1-2020-Two-Stage-RTDH2020
  • Agency for Health Care Research:
    • The effect of a movement-education program inspired by principles of developmental kinesiology on determinants of sarcopenia and frailty in late life. AZV MZ NV 2022-2024 (dr. Machačová)
    • Long-term care for patients with dementia, analysis of current situation in the Czech Republic and Europe, possibilities of transformation of institutional care in order to improve quality of life, quality of care and effective use of resourses. AZV MZ NV18-09-00587 – 2018 -2022.  (dr. Holmerová)

PhD students are involved in the above mentioned projects or they focus on their dissertation projects (topics eg.: voluntary and free time activities of older persons, needs of older persons in health and social care, health technologies and support of persons with dementia, social robots, psychological aspects of care, psychosocial interventions in dementia etc.)

Our centre closely collaborates with the Centre of Gerontology and the Czech Institute of Robotics, Informatics and Cybernetics, University of the West of Scotland and Danube University Krems.

We are members of INTERDEM, European Geriatric Society, Alzheimer Europe, Czech Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Czech Alzheimer Society and International Longevity Centre Global Alliance.

Team leader & members

  • Iva Holmerová, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof
  • Alžběta Bártová, MA,  PhD
  • Vladimíra Dostálová, MA, PhD.
  • Kateřina Machačová, MA, PhD.
  • Michal Šteffl, MA, PhD, Assoc. Prof.


Charles University
Faculty of Humanities
E: iva.holmerova@gerontocentrum.cz

More information


We have an interest in motivated post graduate students interested in cooperation.


Univerzita Karlova v Praze