GeoQol (Research Centre on Health, Quality of Life and Lifestyle in a Geodemographic and Socioeconomic Context)
Research at Charles UniversityResearch Centre on Health, Quality of Life and Lifestyle in a Geodemographic and Socioeconomic Context (GeoQol) is an interdisciplinary oriented working group of scientific researchers, composed primarily of science teachers and students of the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science on the Charles University in Prague and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London. Research center is mainly interested in the analysis of the current state of the population health, individual and social ways of its care, as well as environmental impacts and socio-economic climate on human health. All this in the context of the changing intensity of the effects on health of the aimed population.
Research center is mainly interested in the regional analysis of the current state of the population health, individual and social ways of its care, as well as environmental impacts and socio-economic climate on human health at various geographic scales. All this in the context of the changing intensity of the effects on health of the aimed population. Our latest work concerns socioeconomic inequalities in health, studies on cardivascular health and cancer lifestyle risk factors, effects of economic crisis on mortality, STDs and also COVID-19.
Research topics
- population health and its geographical distribution
- social epidemiology and social psychiatry
- quality of life, social exclustion integration of selected population groups into the majority with focus on immigrants and health-handicapped
- lifestyle risk factors of cancer and cardiovascular diseases
- social aspects of population ageing
- life style during the transformation period
- shoppong, retail and consumer behaviour
Team leader & members
- prof. Dagmar Dzúrova (
- doc. Jana Šiftová (
- Dr. Pavlína Netrdová (
- Dr. Ivana Kulhánová (
- Dr. Klára Hulíková Tesárková (
- Dr. Michala Lustigová (
- doctoral students
Selected publications
- DZUROVA, D., JAROLIMEK, J. (2020): COVID-19 pandemic spread across geographical and social borders: Can we face it? (In Czech), Geografie 125, 1, 1–20,
- LUSTIGOVA, M., DZUROVA, D., COSTA, C., SANTANA, P. (2019): Health Disparities in Czechia and Portugal at Country and Municipality Levels, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(7), 1139, I
- LUSTIGOVA, M., DZUROVA, D., PIKHART, H., KUBINOVA, R., BOBAK, M. (2018): Cardiovascular health among the Czech population at the beginning of the 21st century: a 12-year follow-up study, J Epidemiol Community Health 2018;72:442–448. doi:10.1136/jech-2017-209967 IF= 3,068
- Hulíková-Tesárková, K., Dzúrová, D. (2021): The age structure of cases as the key of COVID-19 severity: Longitudinal population-based analysis of European countries during150 days, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Dec 20, 2021, IF=3.021
- Dzúrová, D., Květoň, V. (2021): How health capabilities and government restrictions affect the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-country differences in Europe, Applied Geography 135 (2021). IF=4.240
- ALTOVA, A., KULHANOVA, I., BRUHA L., LUSTIGOVA M. (2021): Breast and cervical cancer screening attendance among Czech women. Central European Journal of Public Health [online]. 29(2), 90–95. ISSN 12107778.
- VEJTASOVÁ, V., LUSTIGOVÁ, M., URBANOVÁ, J., ŽEJGLICOVÁ, K., MALINOVSKÁ, J., JANÍČKOVÁ ŽĎÁRSKÁ, D., BRUNEROVÁ, L., KUČERA, K., BROŽ, J. (2021): Prevalence a kontrola arteriární hypertenze v populaci 25–64 let v České republice s ohledem na pacienty s diabetes mellitus. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 2021 70(4): 247–252.
- Borrell, C., Palència, L., Bosakova, L., Gotsens, M., Morrison, J., Costa, C., Dzurova, D., Deboosere, P., Lustigova, M., Dell’Olmo, M., M., Rodopoulou, S., Santana, P. (2021): Socioeconomic Inequalities in Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis Mortality in European Urban Areas before and after the Onset of the 2008 Economic Recession, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8801, IF=3,319,
- Bailey, A., J., Drbohlav, D., Dzurova, D.(2021): Migrant Remitting as Transnational Practice: Moldovans in Italy and Czechia, SAGE Open, Volume 11, issuse2, IF=0.715,
- Palencia, L., Ferrando, J., Marí-Dell’Olmo, M., Gotsens, M., Morrison, J., Dzurova, D., Lustigova, M., Costa, C., Rodríguez-Sanz, M., Bosakova, L, Santana, P., Borrell, C. (2020): Socio-economic inequalities on cancer mortality in nine European areas: The effect of the last economic recession, Cancer Epidemiology, 69, 1-8, F= 2,178
- Drbohlav, D., Dzúrová, D. (2020): Social Remittances upon Closer Examination: Moldovan Migrants in Prague, Czechia and Turin, Italy, PROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM; IF= 1,636;
- BROŽ, J., MALINOVSKÁ, J., NUNES, M. A., KUČEROVÁ, K., ROŽEKOVÁ, K., ŽEJGLICOVÁ, K., URBANOVÁ, J., JENŠOVSKÝ, M., BRABEC, M., LUSTIGOVÁ, M. (2020): Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes and its Risk Factors in Adults aged 25-64 in the Czech Republic: A Cross-Sectional Study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 170, 108470.
Charles University
Faculty of Science
prof. RNDr. Dagmar Dzúrova, CSc.
T: (+420) 221 951 390
More information
We have an interest for motivated post graduate students with background in social geography, demography, epidemiology, publis health, and related fields of population studies.