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Computational Systems Neuroscience Group

Research at Charles University

We study the visual system through large-scale detailed biophysical modelling as well as application of machine learning techniques on neuroscientific data. Recently, we have also begun to apply our expertise in the field of visïon restoration through neural implants in the retina or cortex.

The goal of theresearch is to identify computations implemented in the neural system that underly our sensory perception. To that end, a group builds models of visual system at various levels of abstraction using variety of computational techniques including, but not limited to, machine learning and large scale biophysical neural simulations. Through confrontation of these models with the biological data we further our understanding of visual processing and drive future experiments towards most informative questions.

We collaborate closely with the experimental group of Yves Frégnac, the theoretical group of Alain Destexhe and the neuroinformatics group of Andrew Davison at NeuroPSI, CNRS, France as well as experimental group of Diego Contreras at the University of Pennsylvania.

Team leader & members

  • Dr. Ján Antolík
  • Karolína Korvasová (postdoc)
  • David Berling (PhD student)
  • Luca Baroni (PhD student)
  • Rémy Cagnol (PhD student)
  • Tibor Rózsa (PhD student)

Selected publications

  • ANTOLIK, J., SABATIER, Q., GALLE, C., & FRÉGNAC, Y. (2019). Cortical visual prosthesis : a detailed large-scale simulation study. BioRxiv, 1–32.
  • ANTOLÍK, J., MONIER, C., DAVISON, A., & FRÉGNAC, Y. (2019). A comprehensive data-driven model of cat primary visual cortex. BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/416156
  • ANTOLÍK, J., & DAVISON, A. P. (2018). Arkheia: Data Management and Communication for Open Computational Neuroscience. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 12, 6.


Charles University
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Mgr. Ján Antolík, Ph.D.
E: jan.antolik@mff.cuni.cz

More information

We have an interest for motivated post graduate students interesting in computational neuroscience.


Univerzita Karlova v Praze