Chemical stabilization of metals/metalloids in contaminated soils
Research at Czech University of Life Sciences PragueChemical stabilization is a soil remediation method based on the application of various inorganic and organic amendments to contaminated soils. These stabilizing agents lower the mobility and bioavailability of risk elements in such soils. Immobilization is achieved through several physico-chemical processes, such as adsorption, complexation, precipitation and co-precipitation. Our research team studies sorption mechanisms on various amendments, mostly iron and manganese (nano-)oxides and biochar. The efficiency of the stabilizing agents is evaluated using batch, column and lysimeter experiments in the laboratory and field and modeled using geochemical and hydropedological transport models.
Team leader
prof. RNDr. Michael Komárek, Ph.D.
- Brachiopods As SEnsitive tracers of gLobal mariNe Environment: Insights from alkaline, alkaline Earth metal, and metalloid trace element ratios and isotope systems.
- Development and application of hydrogeochemical models in metal contaminated soils treated by Biochar
- A new methodological approach for identification of industrial pollution: Isotope fingerprinting and bacterial community changes (ISOFIN)
- Mechanisms of Cr(VI) adsorption in soils
- Modeling the competitive adsorption of metals and As onto Fe nano-oxides: Implication for soil remediation