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Application Systems of Liquid Organic Fertilizers

Research at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

The aim of the project is to create new application systems of liquid organic fertilizers to reduce their negative effects on soil and environment and to promote better utilization of nutrients by different crops. The goal is to increase the efficiency of their use both by developing the application unit (application into many depths at the same time) usable in strip processing and by compiling methodologies for the area-wide application for various crops during vegetation as well as outside the vegetation period. Hypotheses will be verified by the proven technologies and the possible use in extensive farming practice will be demonstrated.

Team leader

doc. Ing. Petr Šařec, Ph.D.


  • Application Systems of Liquid Organic Fertilizers as the Means to Improve Soil Environment
  • Enhance Nutrient Utilization by Plants and Minimize Environmental Impacts



Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze