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Anthropology of Europe

Research at Charles University

Research project: The Re-Enchantment of Central-Eastern Europe (ReEnchEu)

“ReEnchEu – The Re-Enchantment of Central-Easter Europe” is led by Dr. Alessandro Testa at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague. The project embraces the perspective of a historical anthropology of religious beliefs and practices in post-socialist central-eastern Europe after 1989.

The project will investigate historiographically, ethnographically, and comparatively the structural reasons and cultural conditions for this “re-enchantment”, with the aim of understanding the historical dynamics and social factors that have brought about this transformation in central-eastern Europe. In order to do this, a multidisciplinary research team has been formed consisting of five recognized scholars working from different disciplinary methodological angles (historical anthropology, social anthropology, sociology, folkloristics, and religious studies): Dr. Alessandro Testa, Dr. Zuzana Bártová, Dr. Agata Ładykowska, Dr. István Povedák, and Dr. Viola Teisenhoffer. Each investigator will conduct ethnographic research in four different locations in Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary, using a variety of sources and interacting with a variety of social agents in order to gather relevant empirical evidence.

Team leader & members

  • Dr. Alessandro Testa
  • Dr. Zuzana Bártová
  • Dr. Agata Ładykowska
  • Dr. István Povedák
  • Dr. Viola Teisenhoffer

Selected publications


Charles University
Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociological Studies
Alessandro Testa, Ph.D.
E:  alessandro.testa@fsv.cuni.cz

More information


We have an interest in motivated postgraduate students interested in anthropology in Europe.


Univerzita Karlova v Praze