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Prague Science Film Fest

Oct 16 - 19, 2023
CZU Ceremony Hall (Aula)
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
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Popular science documentaries, lectures, discussions and festival atmosphere. Come and experience the Prague Science Film Fest again at the Czech University of Life Sciences campus in Prague!

This year’s theme is fit check! #fitcheck is one of the trends of the TikTok and Snapchat generation when commenting on what we’re wearing and for how much. However, in our conception, we don’t derive fit check from the word “outfit” but from the word “fitness” and the overall mental and physical well-being of a person. What are we doing for our health? What about prevention? How is our health affected by the environment we live in? 

REGISTRATION: https://psff.cz/en/registrace/

PROGRAMME: https://psff.cz/en/program/

 The International Festival of Popular Science Films will take place from 16 to 19 October. It will offer its visitors the best science documentaries worldwide and the opportunity to meet guests from the field of science and film from the Czech Republic and abroad. There will be free entry for both the main screenings and the off-programme.

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