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Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences

This programme in Forestry is designed for graduates from specialised secondary schools and/or vocational forestry schools who wish to acquire a university education in forestry and related sciences. Subjects include fundamentals of forestry botany, soil sciences, chemistry, dendrology and biometrics, forest protection, ecology and forestry economics. The acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in the socio-economic and natural conditions of various countries. The programme consists of compulsory and optional subjects, as well as several 2–4 days field seminars. During their studies, students prepare their bachelor thesis, with themes selected from a list of recommended areas of specialisation related to forestry. Graduates must successfully pass all exams and acquire the prescribed number of credits per semester. Studies are concluded by a State Examination and the defence of a bachelor thesis.

Graduate profile

Students are trained to apply their acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, taking responsibility for forestry management in private forestry enterprises or in national and international forest management institutions. Employability of Graduates:

  • in developing countries or in the EU institutions in professional communication in international cooperation regarding the solution of the global perspective on forests and forestry in Europe and in the world, etc.
  • graduates may easily continue in the follow-up master's degree programmes (e.g. Forestry, Water and Landscape Management)


Applications start 1st September 2024
Applications end 31st March 2025
Start of study: 29th September 2025
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Admission procedure: An interview in English on the topic of Biology

Required documents: Successfully completed secondary education concluded with a school-leaving examination, the certificate of which (either the original or its verified copy) will be required from the candidates when enrolling in their study.

Details will be updated here: https://www.fld.czu.cz/en/r-9414-study/r-11075-admission-procedures/r-13200-bachelors-admission-procedure



For detailed info contact Iveta Černá (cernaiveta@fld.czu.cz)

Degree level bachelor
Study duration 3 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 1600 per year 1

1 € 1600 for non-EU and € 500 for EU applicants

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze