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Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering

The doctoral study program Acoustics program will provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical skills, according to the doctoral student's interests, i. e. physical fields (mechanics of continuum and thermodynamics including the necessary mathematical apparatus), technical fields (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials, construction and architecture) and non-technical fields (especially physiology, psychology and phonetics). The aim of the doctoral study program is to develop the methodological skills needed for independent as well as team scientific and research work such as the development of creative thinking, the ability to independently search for relevant information and the ability to publish their own results, even in non-technical communities. Students will be integrated into corresponding research teams, enabling them direct access to the well-equipped laboratories and the usage of comprehensive modeling software.

Graduate profile

Graduates can gain knowledge and experience in the following areas according to their area of interest:

  • physical acoustics and nonlinear acoustics,
  • electroacoustics and sound technology, acoustic and electroacoustic measurements,
  • modern methods of signal processing and analysis and advanced methods of data processing,
  • modeling methods suitable for various areas of acoustics (FEM, BEM, raytracing, etc.),
  • material fields with regard to materials used in engineering and construction,
  • physiology and psychology of sound perception and advanced voice technology,
  • room and building acoustic.

Graduates of the doctoral study program Acoustics will be able to carry out both independent and team scientific work in the field of measurement technology and will be familiar with the software used for research, development and diagnostics in various areas of the program. Graduates will be able to pass the results of their work to the wider professional public in the form of scientific articles, presentations or research reports.


Applications start 1st January 2025
Applications end 30th April 2025
Start of study: 22nd September 2025
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Temporarily go to http://www.studyatctu.com/how-to-apply-private


If you have any additional questions, need help and assistance or require further clarification, please, do not hesitate to contact our colleagues:

  • Study Office: study@fel.cvut.cz (admission requirements, deadlines, application and enrolment for Bachelor and Master degree program applicants),
  • Office for Science and Research: studyphd@fel.cvut.cz (admission requirements, deadlines, application and enrolment for Ph.D. program applicants),
  • International Office: international@fel.cvut.cz (assistance with the Czech visa application, Student Mode Program, question about the community of international students, life in the Czech Republic and integration).

For more information feel free to visit the website of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Degree level Ph.D.
Study duration 4 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 38 per year
České vysoké učení technické v Praze