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Msc.Production Design

Production design is a specific creative field in which the knowledge of a scenographer regarding the script and dramatic space is combined with the profession of architect and designer. This profession is always a part of the team of the film crew. This specialization Scenography is open to graduates with at least a Bachelor's degree in scenography, architecture, or interior design. Candidates must pass talent assessments, present their previous projects and demonstrate their understanding of audiovisual production. The different profile of the admitted students, which is due to their previous education, is therefore individually developed by the teachers during their studies. The basic subject of the specialization is Production Design, in which the whole range of tasks that a film set designer encounters during his/her work is gradually practiced in a series of practical exercises. These assignments are both artistic and technical. So this course essentially covers a range of other subjects such as technical drawing, perspective imaging, construction technology, budgeting, and so on. In the course of study, the student is introduced to the history of the field and its main artistic and technical developments in both Czech and world cinematography. During the study, the student gains an overview of the artistic and technical possibilities of film set design, as well as the interconnection of this field with other professions of a film crew. The student gains a comprehensive knowledge of film production. Throughout the course of the study, emphasis is placed on the student's systematic and continuous work on individual projects so that the system simulates the real conditions in which set design is normally produced as closely as possible. The first two semesters are devoted to classical assignments so that students become familiar with the basic principles of the work of a film architect. In scope, both semester projects are similar to the work of a film architect on a smaller audiovisual work, involving interior work and the combination of interior and exterior. The third semester is devoted to the work of the set designer on the combination of real and virtual scenery, a very specific part of film set design. The fourth semester is devoted to the final master's thesis, which is conceived as a comprehensive design concept for a feature film. During the two years of this program, students collaborate with students of the FAMU international program on their exercises. This collaboration is always specified before the school year, based on the schedule of these exercises at FAMU studio. The study aims to master the scenic design for audiovisual production from all key aspects: artistic, technical, economic, and also production requests.

Graduate profile

A graduate can:
-be a full member of the creative team of an audiovisual work
- use the acquired knowledge to create a design of the audiovisual work of different scales- use the acquired knowledge in the realization of the scenic design in the physical set.
- bring technical and economic solutions to the problems of the production design.
- hold all positions in the art department of a film crew, from set designer, illustrator, and production manager to the main production designer of the audiovisual work


Applications start 10th October 2024
Applications end 15th January 2025
Start of study: 1st October 2025
Go to application web...

Admission requirements

Graduation from a bachelor's degree in scenography, architecture, or a related discipline, presentation of the applicant's original own works, successful passing of the practical talent test, and the entrance interview.



Degree level master post bachelor
Study duration 2 years
Language English
Place Prague
School fees € 9000 per year
Akademie múzických umění v Praze